Update 2022

There is much to report

It has again been a long time since I have posted. There is much to report.

My sabbatical from teaching and administrative responsibilities at Trinity Christian College began in January and continues to the middle of August. I have taught at Trinity for eighteen and a half years, but this was the first time I have ever taken a sabbatical. I never thought that I would want to be away from teaching for eight months. My wife will tell you that I get antsy at the end of the summer when I haven’t been teaching for just a couple of months. But it was absolutely necessary for me to have the time to finish the book. When I got the book contract from Eerdmans in 2017, they gave me five years; my deadline is the end of August, 2022.

The sabbatical has been an incredible blessing. Between January and May, I was able to work almost exclusively on the book. In January and February, I worked through the available manuscripts of all eight Little House Books, microfilm copies of the Mansfield Mirror from 1923 to 1957, and all of Rose Wilder Lane’s diaries and journals. I also wrote drafts of the final three chapters of the book. In the middle of March, I did my last research trip to Missouri. I visited Ellis Library at the University of Missouri in Columbia, the Missouri United Methodist Archives (MUMA) at Central Methodist University in Fayette, and the State Historical Society of Missouri in Columbia (SHSMO). By the end of March, I had finished a draft of the entire book. I then attended the Conference on Faith and History Biennial Meeting at Baylor University in Waco, Texas. It was supposed to be held in fall 2020, but it was postponed twice because of covid. I did not present, but I connected with many old friends, and I made some new ones.

In April and early May, I revised the book. My initial draft was around 107,000 words, and my contract says the book should be around 80,000. So I worked through the manuscript several times, scrapped almost all of one chapter, examined every single quotation, and read the entire book out loud. The word count is now much closer to the target number. I never would have been able to complete the book without the sabbatical. Bill Anderson has graciously agreed to read it and give me his comments.

In the middle of June, I will travel to Burlington, Vermont, to present at LauraPalooza 2022: The Wilder Side. LauraPalooza is held only once every three years, and it is my hope that the book will be out next year, so I thought it would be good to give a preview to those who are most likely to be interested in it. Many thanks to the Laura Ingalls Wilder Legacy and Research Association (LIWLRA) for their work on the conference, particularly Lauri Goforth and her attention to the many, many details. Lauri offered to let me sell copies of my second book, Almost Pioneers, and hand out materials about “On the Pilgrim Way”: The Faith of Laura Ingalls Wilder. To provide a better experience for those interested in my research, I have completely overhauled the website.

My year has also been full of family milestones. My son Stephen graduated from Geneva College in Western Pennsylvania in May, started a new job in Pittsburgh last week, and moved to a new apartment two days ago. His wife Amanda is due in July. My youngest son Daniel graduated from Chicago Christian High School in June. And my only daughter Deborah is getting married in August. My wife Paula and I have traveled to Pennsylvania twice already, and we will be going back after the baby comes. (Paula will be going back again to take Daniel and my son Benjamin to Geneva at the end of August.) In September, it will just be Paula and me in the house.

At any rate, the book is coming. Thanks to everyone who continues to follow my work and give me encouragement.


Trinity Christian College

Eerdmans Publishers

Missouri United Methodist Archives

State Historical Society of Missouri

LauraPalooza 2022

Almost Pioneers: One Couple’s Homesteading Adventure in the West

Geneva College

The Methodist Church in Missouri, 1798-1939

Three different Methodist denominations

The spring academic term at Trinity is over. We were able to hold two in-person commencement ceremonies in a local minor-league ballpark for our 2020 and 2021 graduates. Though it was cold, it didn’t rain. My daughter was a 2020 graduate and got to walk across the stage with her friends.

That was two weeks ago. Last week we had a variety of end-of-year meetings. This week my schedule opened up a bit, so I have been able to return to work on the book. Trinity has provided funding for me to travel next week to the State Historical Society of Missouri and look at newspapers from Mansfield, Missouri, where Laura and Almanzo Wilder lived from 1894 to the end of their lives. I will be looking for information about the churches in that town, particularly the Methodist Church, where the Wilders worshipped.

In preparation for the trip, this week I read Frank Tucker’s The Methodist Church in Missouri, 1798-1939: A Brief History. The book was published in 1966. It is an institutional church history, describing the origins and growth of what eventually became the three different Methodist denominations in Missouri during the early twentieth century: The Methodist Episcopal Church (MEC), the Methodist Episcopal Church, South (MECS), and the Methodist Protestant Church (MPC). Tucker places the growth and development of these churches in two contexts: 1) events in Missouri, including early growth of white population in the state, the Civil War, and reforms during the early 20th century, and 2) developments in the denominations nationally. The book ends with the merger of the three denominations to become The Methodist Church in 1939.

Tucker’s book does not mention Mansfield, and it only briefly refers to the spread of Methodism in the Ozarks more generally. But reading the book taught me a lot about Methodism and reminded me of a lot I had previously learned about Missouri’s history. Some particular things:

  • Terminology: Methodist denominations are governed by a General Conference which meets every four years. Smaller geographic areas are governed by an Annual Conference, and still smaller areas have a Quarterly Conference. Ministers are appointed annually to particular churches by the Bishop of the area.
  • Divisions: The MPC left he MEC in the 1830s because of disagreements about governance: how leaders of Quarterly Conferences were chosen and whether lay leaders could be members of Annual and General Conferences. The greater disruption to Missouri Methodism came when the MECS split from the MEC in the 1840s because of disagreements about slavery. Annual Conferences were allowed to choose whether to stay with the MEC or leave with the MECS; the Missouri Annual Conference voted to join the MECS. However, some churches in Missouri then voted to remain in the MEC. As a result, for almost 100 years, churches in Missouri belonged to one of three different Methodist denominations. Since Missouri was a border state, it had much more diversity among the three groups than, say, Minnesota, where most Methodists were MEC, or Alabama, where nearly all Methodists were MECS.
  • The Border War, Bleeding Kansas, and the Civil War: The 1850s and 1860s were terrible years for Missourians. The MEC and MECS both founded churches in Kansas, and there were Methodists among both the Bushwhackers and the Jayhawkers, both before and during the war. Some MECS churches were occupied by pastors from the MEC. The MPC also divided over slavery.
  • Ministries: After the Civil War, as Missouri’s population grew and experienced more prosperity, Methodist churches initiated additional ministries. Sunday Schools became more widespread and organized. Epworth Leagues were started to provide young people in their teens and twenties with leisure activities and opportunities for spiritual growth. Methodist denominations founded colleges, hospitals, and training schools for nurses. Methodists also participated in the late-nineteenth century explosion of world missions.
  • Race: Before the Civil war, there were African-American members in all three denominations. After the war, Black Methodists left the MECS after the Civil War to form the Colored Methodist Episcopal Church, which later was renamed the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church. In the MEC, blacks had their own churches, pastors, districts, and annual conferences.
  • Reunion: During the decades surrounding the Civil War, there was competition and even conflict among churches in the MEC, MECS, and MPC. By the late 1800s, however, animosity had cooled. The three denominations collaborated on a hymnal in 1904, and there were calls from the Annual Conferences in Missouri for the denominations to merge. The merger was finalized in a uniting General Conference in Kansas City, Missouri, in 1939.

The Missouri United Methodist Archives (MUMA) is located in the library at Central Methodist University in Fayette, in north central Missouri. Central Methodist is the sole remaining institution of higher education founded by Methodists in the 1800s. John Finley, the Archivist at MUMA, has been very helpful in sending me information from the Archives about the Methodist Church in Mansfield. Apparently it was part of the MEC. Finley suggests that this would have been more congenial to Laura and Almanzo since the MEC was dominant in the upper Midwest where they were from. So perhaps there were similarities as well as regional and cultural differences between the Methodist Church in Mansfield and the one in Walnut Grove, Minnesota that Laura attended for at least a year as a child.

Tucker’s book provided me with state-level and denominational context for Methodist churches in Missouri. As a work of church history that focuses on church leaders and institutional activities, however, it doesn’t ask or answer questions that a social historian might ask, like: What was it like to be a member or pastor in a church that was part of the MEC in a state that was dominated by the MECS? In a small town like Mansfield during the early 1900s, where a pastor came to preach just once a month, did members feel connected to the Methodist practice of circuit riding in the late 1700s and early 1800s? Or was it just a fact of life, since all churches in Mansfield at the time—Baptist, Christian, Methodist, and Presbyterian—only had preaching once a month? As is often the case, historical work is about struggling with the questions, not finding the answer.

I’m looking forward to being back in Missouri for research next week. Thanks for reading.

Picture credit: I scanned the front of the dust jacket of the book.


Trinity Christian College

Trinity Christian College Commencement

The State Historical Society of Missouri

The Methodist Church in Missouri, 1798-1939: A Brief History

The Missouri United Methodist Archives