End of 2022

Thanks for your support and encouragement

Greetings. It has been a busy fall here at Trinity Christian College. Many new faculty members and new administrators began this semester, and the college has rolled out three new initiatives:

  • Wellbeing Wednesdays – Almost all classes are scheduled either on Mondays-Thursdays or Tuesdays-Fridays. That allows students and faculty to use Wednesdays for field trips, research, internships, and catching up on schoolwork.
  • Tuition Transparency and Access – Tuition has been lowered from $33,800 to $19,800, beginning in fall of 2023.
  • Earn, Network, and Learn – The college is partnering with local businesses to provide internships and cooperatives that provide real-life work experience and additional resources towards tuition at Trinity.

If you or someone you know is interested in a rigorous education from a Christian perspective at an affordable price near Chicago, Illinois, please see Trinity’s website: https://www.trnty.edu/.

I am learning my new position as Dean of Faculty, and I have enjoyed teaching the Senior Seminar for History Majors. The seven students presented their research projects on Monday and handed in their final assignments last night. I have to finish grading and enter grades by the end of next Monday.

In early November, I received two readers’ reports from Eerdmans Publishers about my book. One was encouraging, the other was more critical. As a result, the Series Editors for the Library of Religious Biography have requested significant revisions. It is my hope to finish the revisions by the middle of January.

I also presented my research about Laura Ingalls Wilder’s faith two times at Trinity this semester.  On November 5, I gave a “TrinTalk” for Trinity’s Fall Fest celebration.  Fall Fest at Trinity is like Parents’ Weekend and Homecoming put together—there are basketball games, a craft show, a miniature golf course in the library, and other activities. TrinTalks are like Ted Talks given by Trinity faculty members – 20 minute presentations with questions afterwards. They are attended by current students, their parents, alumni, and other members of the Trinity community. Several of my former students who are now alumni came to hear me speak, which was incredibly cool.  Then on November 28, I gave a Faculty Coffee for members of Trinity faculty and staff. Faculty Coffees provide faculty members an opportunity to share their research with colleagues.

Thanks for your support and engagement. All best for your Christmas and start to 2023.


Trinity Christian College Fall Fest


Eerdmans Publishers

Library of Religious Biography

Author: johnfry2013

Professor of History and Dean of Faculty, Trinity Christian College, Palos Heights, IL

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