Book Contract

It’s August.  The summer has gone by quickly.  Last week I was completely off the grid camping with my family in Western New York.  It was a great time.  Now I’m back and the countdown to the start of classes here at Trinity Christian College—three weeks from yesterday—has started.

I am happy to announce that last month I signed a book contract with Eerdmans Publishers.  The book is tentatively titled “On the Pilgrim Way:” The Faith of Laura Ingalls Wilder.  The book will be a biography of Wilder that pays particular attention to her faith.  It will appear in Eerdmans’s series The Library of Religious Biography.  I am very thankful to David Bratt and Heath Carter for their efforts and encouragement.

I’ve projected ten chapters, and my current plan is to write two of them each summer between now and 2022.  I can get some work done during the school year, but I imagine that most of my writing will be done during the summer.  Eerdmans has graciously given me that much time to complete the manuscript.

Thanks to everyone who has given me encouragement throughout the project so far.  Now the real work begins…

Links from this post:

Trinity Christian College

Eerdmans Publishers

The Library of Religious Biography

Heath Carter’s Twitter Page: #ReligiousBio

Author: johnfry2013

Professor of History and Dean of Faculty, Trinity Christian College, Palos Heights, IL

6 thoughts on “Book Contract”

  1. Congratulations, John, on the book contract. I really like the title – it’s befitting of Wilder. We already have a “taste” of what’s to come from reading this blog and from your talk at LauraPalooza. Blessings on your continued research, writing and on the school year ahead.
    – Connie in Colorado


  2. Congratulations Dr. Fry! I look forward to reading another one of your books! I so enjoy reading anything about Laura Ingalls Wilder and am presently reading several books written by her daughter. Did you visit Rocky Ridge Farm this summer? I found that place magical and enjoyed the Bookstore/Museum too. Jan Corbett, supporter of TCC and the SALT Program


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